Wednesday, June 26, 2013


They are such a bunch of politicians trying to look like they are doing something.  Give me a break! Who brought up guns?  It is just like someone commented, "Do they really think that the criminals are going to abide by any new laws?" Who decided that guns are an issue right now?

There are so many Americans who are out of work and/or underwater financially. This should be the issue!  Also, lack of enough funding for schools, fire and police should be the issue!

These are the key reasons that we have a government.  In America we are supposed to be able to live comfortably, have our children educated well and be protected by police and firemen. We could go to lower levels and include the government making sure that things are fair and above board.

Something has gone wrong with our country, and I do not know anyone who blames our country's problems on guns except our self-serving politicians.  It is time that we let our representatives know that they are not representing our issues nor our needs.

Our country is top heavy financially. We have citizens with more money than they will ever be able to spend, while there are citizens sleeping in the streets and scrounging for food.  This is not right at all! 

A lot of  people will respond that the one has nothing to do with the other. It is not the rich man's fault if the poor man cannot make a go of it. Well, are we all Americans, or not?  This is a Pie Chart of the Homeless:

If we were able to squeeze money down from the top all the way down to the homeless in this country, I think a lot of our problems would resolve themselves. 

People might think, "Well, how on Earth are we going to do that?"  I have heard people talk about a flat percentage tax across the board as a possible option.  I got an email one time that suggested something like giving everyone ten thousand dollars, or something like that.  It was such a long time ago, I cannot remember the details, but at the time it sounded like a very good idea.

Aren't our representatives supposed to be the ones trying to figure out solutions to America's problems? Aren't they supposed to be looking out for our interests?  They might have a little more luck thinking out of the box, if they did not have to worry about offending their rich contributors.


There is definitely something wrong with our system.

Government - Get your hands off our Social Security and Medicare, which are working, and try to fix our economy!

We have too many Americas who are really hurting one way or another in our existing system!!

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